Aged Care! Why Go Paperless?

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Aged Care! Why Go Paperless?

There are number of cloud-based aged care software systems available in the market. In my previous articles, I have discussed how to source a software system that is right for your organisation. However, the question is why even consider going paperless and looking for a software when paper-based systems have been around for long time and have served the purpose to an extent.

The answer is

 Efficiency
 Economical
 Effective
 Environmentally Friendly
 Easy to implement & maintain
 Enable yourself to keep up with change

Let’s discuss these benefits in detail

 Efficiency:

This has to be the top most reason to implement software in aged care. Software are designed to make sure that you are able to input and extract data with a tap of a finger or a click of a mouse. We may think that it doesn’t take long to write information on piece of paper, we also must realise that its more about extracting same information in various formats, by various staff and at flexible times. Paper based systems allow you to input information without needing internet, computer access and of course NO NEED to learn computers. But it creates another whole layer of complications with storing, extracting & updating the same data. Most of the aged care software provide preloaded options/responses. Highly complex yet effective algorithms eliminate any possibility of discrepancy, insufficient or incorrect data. Update information in one place and it filters down to all departments / sections instantly and accordingly. Aged Care Software provide great platform to record information & maintain data in one place without relying too much on human aspect and offer great efficiency in daily tasks.

 Economical:

Everything comes with a cost. It is important to understand that cost is directly associated with efficiency and maintenance of any system. Paper & printing is one of those costs that are difficult to segregate between departments / staffs. Printing companies have moved more towards monthly rental fees rather then selling printers out right. It may seem that upfront costs are not there with paper-based systems but cost of paper & huge cost of cartridges are real challenge for any aged care. Printers come with a lot more IT integration, securities & maintenance then cloud based software. Allowing to hook printers on to network, monitoring various access levels for each and every staff, assigning limits to print functionality, maintaining upgrades on networks & printers, maintenance cost associated with damaged parts & service costs, list goes on. When add all these together, it’s a no-brainer that software systems are a more economical way out.

 Effective:

As mentioned earlier, the algorithms set in the program alerts the staff when information is incorrect, missing or not up to the company standards. It allows policies and procedures in your organisations to be effective and also identify areas for improvement. It is more like a person is assigned (at no additional cost) to check every single information entered by staff is accurate and sufficient. Automated systems also impact straight on the service standards provided to your residents / clients.

 Environmentally Friendly:

I guess this benefit does not need any explanation or justification. We are all aware of impact on environment associated with paper & printing. Aged care being the huge industry it is, eliminating printing and reducing paper usage will definitely have a massive positive influence on environment.

 Easy to implement & maintain:

Web based software do not require any hectic IT setups or great deal of maintenance. It is as easy as just log in and start using the system. The security of data is at the highest priority and there are multiple options available to ensure data integrity.

 Enable yourself to keep up with change

The aged care standards, policies, procedures, level of care and compliance guidelines are changing constantly and rapidly. Aged Care Software Systems will enable your organisation to adapt & implement these changes quickly and efficiently. The same principle of making change in one place that filters down to all departments accordingly, is the key. To keep up with the changes and challenges, it is imperative to have aged care systems that are purpose built, smart, easy to use & cost effective.

To conclude, Web based systems and digitisation is the way forward. Be it in any department – care, catering, laundry, maintenance, management or cleaning. Automated Aged Care Systems will definitely help improve care standards & efficiency in your organisation.