Improving the Quality of Aged Care Catering Services through the use of Specific Catering Software Technology
Technological advancements have already played a major role in transforming our lives. Every industry is taking advantages of the latest Technology and Aged Care Catering in Australia is no different. Going from paper-based manually held Resident dietary profiles & documentation such as food-safety records, hand written labeling and many other services and reports we now have reached a stage where human errors have almost vanished from the day to day routines with Technology Software replacing the cumbersome paper-trail.
Technology in today’s world play’s a very important role but before we move towards explaining how technology is changing Aged Care Catering Software Systems, it is important to note the following:
- No Technology can replace the hard work and determination that an Individual Person does in His or Her work place. Technology cannot replace empathy, compassion, kindness and the personal touch that only a Caring Person can provide to an Aged Care Resident.
- It is obvious that Technology cannot provide standardised one size fits all kind of solutions when we are faced with a myriad of challenges that are currently confronting Aged Care Catering Services such as, complex national health issues resulting in shortages of skilled and unskilled staff, the ever ongoing funding expenditure, and the list continues.
What Technology does represent is a way of working hand in hand with Personnal and Empowering the Aged Care Providers with the following tools:
- Ease of A Manual Paper-Trail
- Reduced Errors in Paper-Based Documentation
- Increased Efficiencies by using Catering Software
- But Most Importantly, Provide staff the time and training to deliver Personalised Care to their Residents.
A wide range of Aged Care Catering Software Systems have been designed for specific purposes for the Catering Services in Aged Care. The Software Technology assist with storing Documentation, Tracking Residents Profiles and Dietary Requirements, Automatic Notifications and much more.
Given the current situation in Aged Care where the Nursing and Hospitality Staff are struggling between providing Personalised Care to the Residents along with the endless trail of manual paperwork, the Catering Technology will pave a way in introducing systems that can assist Staff with the ever increasing Documentaion and relieve the Care and Hospitality Staff to do what they do best – Caring for Their Residents..
Many Software Systems are becoming well overdue tools in Aged Care, assisting both Care and Hospitality Staff throughout the country. The mission of Catering Software is to work hand in hand with both Clinical and Catering Services to ensure great efficiencies in Recording and Maintaining Residents Catering Information, thereby providing quick access to all the Resident Catering Data. Replacing the illegible and sometimes confusing Manual Entries with Accurate and Easy to access legible Software Entries.
In the same way, Technology has empowered Care Staff with electronic devises to ensure Resident Care Plans entries and other Important Documentation are more visable, upto date and acurate. Catering Software plays a similar way to ensure Hospitality Staff also capture correct and upto date Residents Profiles and Dietary Data and much more.
As we Move more and more into the Technology World let us ensure that The Catering and Hospitality Services are not Left Behind!