The Agenda on the Aged Care Technologies in 2019

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The Agenda on the Aged Care Technologies in 2019

Revolutionary and breath-taking Aged Care Software Technology is being trialed and implemented around the world. Further, innovation and research is on high alert, with many Aged Care Providers across Australia searching to obtain more information.



  • Virtual Reality


The virtual reality driving simulators were tested to help the seniors. The aim was to help the seniors keep their licenses handy, beneficial apps that would help the residents suffering from dementia to stay in their houses, and online training for the resident carers.


  • EEMR


Here we are talking about the EMMR (Enhanced Medical Mixed Reality Technology). This technology is all about transforming the way old residents are spending their years, with the help of this technology, the elders are allowed to stay at home even in the deteriorating condition. The aged care providers helped to bring home the hospitals to look after the residents.


  • Internet of Medical Things


In lieu of providing more and more facilities to the elderly, the year 2018 witnesses a transformation in the form of a smartphone, wireless, IoT, wearable devices and so on. This way the delivery services in this industry was modernized. More attention was paid to develop aged care software.

In different countries, different developments are happening. For example, Japan is working on robotics to completely revolutionize this industry and once they are successful, we will soon see a makeshift in the way these care services were provided in the world. The next part of the article will tell you what you must anticipate in 2019 for your aged residents in Australia. Stay tuned.

Here are some of the predictions for the aged care trends in Australia for 2019:

Technology plays a major role in the aged care space and retirement living. Some of the key spaces recognized are electrical, hydraulics, mechanical and even architects have started paying attention to the importance of IT in developing a construction project for the elderly. However, the fear of customers still persist and we need to fight this fear and move ahead.


  • Vision Enhancement


Vision enhancements were already there at the forefront of 2018 but it is bound to get more attention in 2019. This is a kind of software that can be customized as per the need of the resident. People who are struggling with cataract can take benefits out of it. This software is combined with a smartphone VR gears and the camera of the phone can send clear indications of the condition of the eye to the doctor.


  • Caregiver Monitoring


The smartphones and the VR gears can be converted into monitors that can keep a watch on the caregivers. The aim is to provide better and better services to the aged care residents.

The only aim behind bringing more and more technologies to the aged care industry is to provide good quality services to the elderly by making them stay in their own comfort zone. These technologies are helping the families and the resident staff to streamline every process very well. There are many technology secrets to be unveiled, let us cross our fingers and wait for more new rays of hope.